The SMARTer Greener Cities project aims to develop and test novel tools and processes for explicitly converging social, ecological, and technological systems approaches for improving life in cities.
NordicPATH’s overall objective is to establish a new model for citizens’ participation and collaborative planning in Nordic countries to create healthy and people-centred cities. The project is tackling complex environmental impacts such as air quality and climate change and is developing a method specifically targeted for the governance and the conditions of the Nordic countries with potential replicability and scalability to other countries.
Nordic cities have qualities to draw on when it comes to greenspace, social inclusion and public health. But they are also segregated, characterised by health-related divides and by differences in accessibility to urban amenities. Without careful consideration the health and well-being of city-dwellers can be negatively influenced in overly densified and congested cities, despite sustainability ambitions.
Planen er at finansiere op til otte projekter. Beslutningen, om hvilke projekter der kommer til at modtage finansiering, vil blive truffet til efteråret.
The DigiVet project will study how livestock data is currently used across the partner nations, and how technology, training, and regulatory frameworks might provide societal benefit by improving the public-interest uses of these data.
The overall purpose of the COLDIGIT project is to generate new knowledge on innovative digital tools and approaches, in order to understand how they can support governance of complex societal processes in the Nordic region.
The development of smart cities of the future calls for innovative usage of emerging technologies, as well as for novel and effective forms of collaboration across a large number of heterogeneous stakeholders, such as municipal decision-makers, entrepreneurs, and citizens.
Nordisk samfundssikkerhed i lyset af regionale og globale tendenser var overskriften for det opslag, som indbragte 28 ansøgninger. Fire af projekterne er nu blevet udvalgt, og det totale budget er på 44 millioner norske kroner.
Toppforskningsinitiativet (TFI) er den største felles nordiske forsknings- og innovasjonssatsingen noensinne innenfor rammene av det nordiske samarbeidet. Ved å involvere både kunnskapsmiljøer og næringsliv og bringe de beste hodene i Norden sammen, vil de nordiske landene bidra til å løse de globale klimautfordringene.
SUREAQUA is a multidisciplinary centre working to provide competence, innovation and technology to ensure sustainability and resilience in aquatic and associated land-based value chains.