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Nordic-Russian call for networks for risk and crisis management

The Nordic-Russian Cooperation Programme in Higher Education and Research is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The programme is designed to promote multifaceted contacts in the fields of education and research in the interest of sustainable social and economic development in Russia and the Nordic countries. By funding Nordic-Russian cooperation between educational institutions and research organisations, the programme aims to improve the direct links between the institutions and organisations involved and thereby initiate long-term partnerships.

The Nordic-Russian Cooperation Programme in Higher Education and Research directs cooperative efforts towards multilateral cooperation on the training of highly qualified experts, the exchange of undergraduate and postgraduate students and university faculty, and joint research projects and promotion of innovation. NordForsk administers the research activities under the programme. The Russian activities under the programme are coordinated by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

Thematic framework

This call for proposals aims to support interdisciplinary consortiums to develop measures and tools to confront the next natural or man-made crisis.

The proposals are invited to:

  1. identify and evaluate the likelihood and nature of crises;
  2. enhance crisis preparedness and supply of security among the most risk-prone groups and regions;
  3. develop measures and tools to strengthen crisis management and improve its parity in society;
  4. develop and improve education and communication tools on inclusive digital platforms to mitigate effects of crises.


Each proposal may seek funding of maximum NOK 1 million for the Nordic partners.


Kyösti Lempa

Kyösti Lempa
