Network aiming to generate data-driven insights and actionable recommendations that will benefit the entire Nordic region and contribute to global knowledge on PCC.
Network bringing together researchers to accelerate understanding of how we can identify PCC patients and accelerate research on PCC, its characteristics and treatments.
Starting in 2025, experts from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden will come together in a series of four workshops to deepen their understanding of post-Covid condition (PCC).
NordForsk har besluttet å finansiere tre nettverk for urfolksforskning i Norden. Tema for nettverkene er kunnskapsutvikling blant urfolk, forskning og undervisning i små samiske språk, og kjønnsbasert vold i samiske og inuittiske samfunn.
Network aiming to create a rigorous, creative and respectful space for safe exchange and capacity building across Indigenous and non-Indigenous well-established Nordic academic institutions. I
Network working in support of research and revitalization of small Saami languages, in the intersection between language research and language education.
I en ny rapport fremlægger forskere seks anbefalinger til at optimere anvendelsen af begrebet ”Nordic added value” på tværs af nordiske institutioner. Anbefalingerne fokuserer på at skabe større sammenhængskraft, fremme langsigtet værdi og styrke den nordiske identitet.