We will pave the way for an improved understanding of the Artic environment and the impact of climate change and human activities thereon as well as a solution to the age-old conundrum of the tusk structure and formation – the horn of the unicorn of the sea.
The RAS-TOOLS project will pave the way for the development of next generation RAS monitoring for better control of water quality and fish health issues, and thereby contribute to the development of a sustainable RAS industry.
The NON-Fôr project aims to build upon the state-of-the-art knowledge from previous EU and National projects and develop improved practices in feed manufacturing technology to promote the use of third generation ingredients in critical life stages of Atlantic salmon - startfeeding, during smoltification and in post smolt production.
The project will investigate economical aspects and regulatory constraints of introducing by-products into the human food chain by the bioconversion of these into microbial ingredients, and document environmental footprint of these ingredients for fish feed.
FLAVOUR addresses the problem with off-flavour by combining fundamental research on why the compounds are produced with development of new technology for monitoring and removal.
Forskningsprosjektet CIRCit holdt i midten av september sin avslutningsworkshop med en rekke presentasjoner om hvordan nordiske selskaper kan gå over til sirkulær økonomi. Prosjektet bidrar til Nordisk ministerråds visjon om Norden som verdens mest bærekraftige og integrerte region i 2030.
The SMARTer Greener Cities project aims to develop and test novel tools and processes for explicitly converging social, ecological, and technological systems approaches for improving life in cities.
NordicPATH’s overall objective is to establish a new model for citizens’ participation and collaborative planning in Nordic countries to create healthy and people-centred cities. The project is tackling complex environmental impacts such as air quality and climate change and is developing a method specifically targeted for the governance and the conditions of the Nordic countries with potential replicability and scalability to other countries.
Nordic cities have qualities to draw on when it comes to greenspace, social inclusion and public health. But they are also segregated, characterised by health-related divides and by differences in accessibility to urban amenities. Without careful consideration the health and well-being of city-dwellers can be negatively influenced in overly densified and congested cities, despite sustainability ambitions.