Mange unge mennesker i Norden har symptomer på angst, depression og social angst, viser nyt nordisk studie. Særligt piger er ramt, og der mangler flere hjælpetilbud, mener forskere bag undersøgelsen.
Det var børnene, som blev hårdest ramt af indsatsen mod coronapandemien, fastslog FN's menneskerettighedschef tidligere i år. Men der mangler kundskab om, hvordan psykisk sårbare børn og unge blev berørt. Ny nordisk forskning skal kaste lys over dette.
Koronapandemien fikk en rekke umiddelbare konsekvenser for barn og unge. For å undersøke de langsiktige konsekvensene har NordForsk besluttet å finansiere åtte forskningsprosjekter om velferd blant barn og unge i Norden etter pandemien.
Project aiming to improve our understanding of the welfare for children and young people and the consequences of the pandemic and the restrictions on education, wellbeing, mental health, and living conditions.
Project aiming to build solid knowledge to optimize future societal responses and promote resilience in the young population, focusing on eating problems and disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, selfharm, depression, anxiety and wellbeing.
The EXPECT project aims to deepen knowledge about the experiences and consequences of COVID- 19 to prepare Nordic preschools in maintaining social sustainability for future pandemics or crises.
Project with the aim to improve understanding of mental health, life satisfaction, and services received among youth with disabilities in the Nordic countries during the post-pandemic period.
Multidisciplinary project with the aim of producing new scientific knowledge on the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on child wellbeing and identifies policy options to enhance child-wellbeing and resilience in Nordic countries.
Prosject aiming to improve the well-being of young people by increasing our understanding of vulnerabilities and resilience in determining post-pandemic outcomes.