Forskning om integrationen av ukrainska flyktingar efter Rysslands invasion av Ukraina visar att de nordiska och baltiska länderna skiljer sig åt beträffande integrationsprocesser, politiska strategier och effekter.
Key Findings and Policy Recommendations from the project Influx of Migrants Following Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Integration and Governance Dynamics in Nordic and Baltic States
Ökat samarbete utanför klassrummen och utrymme att dela tyst kunskap mellan skolpersonalen bidrar till att skapa miljöer där elever med utländsk bakgrund kan integreras väl och känna att de hör hemma, visar NordForsk-finansierat projekt.
While the success of the populist radical right has been extensively documented in Europe and also the Nordic-Baltic region, we have little knowledge about how this is affecting the local immigrant and immigrant-origin populations.
This project focuses on street-level social work aimed at migrants in three Nordic countries, Finland, Norway and Sweden, and on how migrants make sense of and experience such social work in the context of transforming migration and welfare regimes in the Nordic region.
This project delves into the largely unexplored territory of transnational elderly care within the Baltic-Nordic region, focusing on families navigating the complexities of providing care across borders.
This collaborative project investigates the linguistic integration of Ukrainian refugees across four countries around the Nordic-Baltic region: Sweden, Norway, Estonia and Lithuania.
Migration og integration er meget vigtige emner globalt, og NordForsk har nu bevilget midler til syv nye forskningsprojekter, som skal udforske vigtige aspekter af nordisk-baltisk migration og integration.
The proposed project will investigate migrant health needs and experienced barriers to healthcare access for Ukrainian Refugee Women (URW) residing in Norway, Sweden and Estonia.