NordForsk announces funding for two to four Nordic knowledge-sharing and capacity-building networks for researchers working with research relevant to Indigenous peoples and/or Indigenous research.
The Nordic countries have teamed up with Canada and the USA to launch a NordForsk call on the sustainable development of the Arctic. The call is two-stage, and the deadline for pre-proposals is 4 June 2024.
Nordisk ministerråd har gitt NordForsk i oppdrag å initiere en utlysning om bærekraftige fiskerier fra sunne hav. Budsjettet er på 40 millioner norske kroner, og fristen for utlysningen er 28. mai 2024.
NordForsk lyser ut midler til forskningsprosjekter om migrasjon og integrering. Utlysningen har frist 14. mai 2024, og har et budsjett på 62,4 millioner kroner.
The research area Sustainable Urban Development and Smart Cities is now issuing a call for proposals for a synthesis essay that describes the main results of its four projects.
This call only accepts applications from Nordic Project Owners or partner institutions that in the period 2020-2023 have been granted funding from NordForsk for COVID-19 research. Deadline is 30 November 2023.
The Green Transition call focuses on energy efficiency in the food systems, on climate and gender perspectives, and on democratic engagement and citizen-involvement in the green transition.
The main purpose of the call is to capitalise on the research results and knowledge that has been built during the first years of Vision 2030, to support the development of the new collaborative initiative for the years 2025-2030.