NordForsk is issuing a call for proposals for Digitalisation of the Public Sector. The call has a budget of EUR 8 million and the deadline for the call for proposals is 16 January 2020.
NordForsk’s new Initiative will promote high-quality interdisciplinary research that combines and integrate skills from multiple disciplines. The first call for proposals under the Nordic Programme for Interdisciplinary Research has a budget of NOK 120 million and the deadline for submissions is 13 November 2019.
NordForsk, the Norwegian Cancer Society and the Research Council of Norway are collaborating to fund research in the area of personalised cancer treatment for children.
The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova), the Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNÍS), Innovation Fund Denmark, Innovaatiorahoituskeskus Business Finland and the Research Council of Norway, in collaboration with NordForsk, are launching a call for proposals for funding of trans-Nordic projects aimed at implementation of personalised medicine in health care.
NordForsk's Nordic Programme on Health and Welfare is announcing a new call on Nordic Graduate Education Courses within register-based research. Applications for funding of Nordic PhD education courses in the area of register-based research are invited as specified below.
NordForsk is now announcing a call under the Nordic Programme on Health and Welfare. The call is targeted towards Nordic register-based research. Application deadline is 5 October 2016
NordForsk is now announcing the third call under the Nordic Programme on Health and Welfare. This call is targeted towards establishing infrastructures based on Nordic registers of socio-economic and health–related data in order to facilitate cross-border research that addresses societal challenges.
Society has much to gain from enhancing the effectiveness of the health sector, and funding is now available for research projects aimed at developing innovative products, services and concepts that can be implemented in a practical manner in the health and welfare systems.