NordForsk is issuing a call for proposals for Digitalisation of the Public Sector. The call has a budget of EUR 8 million and the deadline for the call for proposals is 16 January 2020.
A new call for funding is available for collaborative research projects on Nordic societal security in light of the emerging global and regional trends. The total amount of funding available for this Nordic call is set at NOK 44 million and the deadline for the submissions is 20 November 2019.
NordForsk’s new initiative will promote high-quality interdisciplinary research that combines and integrate skills from multiple disciplines. The first call for proposals under the Nordic Programme for Interdisciplinary Research has a budget of NOK 120 million and the deadline for submissions is 13 November 2019.
Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) invites consortia consisting of e-infrastructure providers, developers, researchers and related communities around the Nordic region to propose collaboration projects.
NordForsk with partners are issuing a call for proposals for research projects under the Joint Nordic-UK Research Programme on Migration and Integration. The call has a budget of NOK 65 million.
NordForsk is announcing NOK 7 million in funding for the organisation of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on neutron scattering techniques. The application deadline is 21 September 2018.
NordForsk, the Norwegian Cancer Society and the Research Council of Norway are collaborating to fund research in the area of personalised cancer treatment for children.