Nordic-British initiative on research in migration and integration

NordForsk, the Academy of Finland, the Swedish Research Council, Forte of Sweden, the Research Council of Norway, The Icelandic Centre for Research, Rannis, and the Economic and Social Research Council (part of UK Research and Innovation), are issuing a call for proposals for research projects under the Joint Nordic-UK Research Programme on Migration and Integration. The call has a budget of NOK 65 million.

The past decades have witnessed a significant increase in human migration for a variety of reasons worldwide. Both previous migration and the recent large influx of refugees to Europe have had significant economic, socio-political and cultural impacts on the Nordic region as well as in other European countries. Many European societies have changed to varying degrees as a result of forced and voluntary migration, but they all share similar opportunities and challenges in terms of areas such as integration and settlement, access to labour markets, health services, housing and education.

This call is aimed at investigating:

  • Drivers for migration and global, regional and local migration chains and patterns
  • Health and wellbeing among migrants
  • Social cohesion and inequality
  • Social and family relations
  • Histories of migrants, migration and integration
  • Migrant cultural heritages and contemporary cultural expressions
  • Politics and governance of migration and integration

The programme welcomes proposals from all research disciplines and encourages interdisciplinary, intersectional and comparative approaches to both integration and forced and voluntary migration. Comparisons can be made within and between migrant groups and/or with populations in sending, transit and receiving countries. Intersectionality refers to how factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, class, faith, religion and sexual orientation may combine to affect experiences of migration and integration.

Read the full call text here


Thomas Jacobsson

Thomas Jacobsson

Senior Adviser
Portræt af Bethina Strandberg-Jensen

Bethina Strandberg-Jensen

Senior Adviser