Research areas and initiatives
On this page: Funded research areas | Other initiatives | Completed activities
Funded research areas
Other initiatives
The main objective of the BALTOHOP project, is to promote antimicrobial stewardship, primarily within the public health and veterinary/food sectors, and also the environmental sector in the Nordic and Baltic countries.
Co-operation with the Nordic Council of Ministers
NordForsk co-operates with the Nordic Council of Ministers on a number of initiatives that NordForsk facilitates and administers.
Independent research projects
NordForsk funds a number of independent research projects organised by the Nordic Co-operation Committee for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-HS).
International research cooperation
NordForsk has several, ongoing projects on research collaboration outside the Nordic region.
Nordic Added Value
The aim of this research area is to discuss relevant and useful definitions of Nordic Added Value for future use.
Nordic Research Infrastructure Cooperation Committee
The primary objective of The Nordic Research Infrastructure Co-operation Committee is to support joint Nordic research infrastructure efforts and to highlight the potential Nordic added value inherent in such collaboration. The committee serves in an advisory capacity to the NordForsk Board on issues relating to research infrastructure.
Nordic Trial Alliance
The Nordic Trial Alliance is a project with the aim to facilitate Nordic cooperation on clinical research.
NOS-M is a collaborating body for the Nordic research councils that finance medical research. NOS-M aims to promote Nordic cooperation in the medical research area through information exchange, coordination and concrete collaboration projects.
The Joint Committee of the Nordic Natural Science Research Councils (NOS-N) is a collaborating body for Nordic research councils that finance research in the natural sciences. The Committee aims to promote natural sciences in the Nordic countries through collaboration and coordination.
Nordic Commons
Nordic Commons is a project with the aim of testing solutions and practical approaches to sharing health data between regional and national actors in the Nordic countries.
NordForsk's commitment to research in support of Ukraine.
Completed activities
Nordic cooperation in research allows us to share data, infrastructure and resources across national borders.
- Arne Flåøyen, Director of NordForsk