Completed activities
The Nordic region is the European leader in gender equality, but when it comes to leadership positions in research and innovation, men dominate just as widely here as in the rest of Europe. Through new and innovative, yet focused and result-oriented activities, this joint Nordic initiative sought to make a significant contribution to gender issues on the research and innovation agenda. The aim of the initiative was to pinpoint the reason for why the research and innovation area has not followed the trend towards a gender equal society and to identify the measures needed to remedy this.
Sustainable Urban Development and Smart Cities
The aim of the research area is to promote cooperation between the knowledge communities in the Nordic countries in order to enhance opportunities and address challenges to sustainable urban development and smart cities.
The Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC)
The Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) facilitates the development of advanced IT tools and services in areas of importance to Nordic researchers.
NORIA-net on Registers and Biobanks
The "NORIA-net on Registers and Biobanks" was an expert group with representatives from national and Nordic research funding agencies and the research sector. The task was to identify suitable actions that could increase the use of the unique registers and biobanks in and betwwen the Nordic countries, and thereby strengthening Nordic cooperation on register-based research.NCBIO
The mission of the Nordic Committee on Bioethics (NCBIO) is to foster co-operation between the Nordic countries by bringing together representatives from different backgrounds to discuss and analyse issues in bioethics in order to achieve greater awareness, promote common understanding, improve policy making and present internationally a Nordic perspective on bioethical Challenges.
Green Growth
Research areaA Green Nordic RegionGreen GrowthA major Nordic venture for climate, energy and the environment. The Top-level Research Initiative (TRI) is the largest joint Nordic research and innovation initiative to date.
Research AreaThe objective of the Nordic Bioeconomy initiative was to generate new knowledge on how to promote and advance the transition to a bioeconomy-based society in the Nordic countries.
The Top-level Research Initiative
ProgrammeCooperationEnvironmentEnergyA major Nordic venture for climate, energy and the environment. The Top-level Research Initiative (TRI) is the largest joint Nordic research and innovation initiative to date.
The Nordic Centre of Excellence Initiative on Welfare Research
ProgrammeWelfareSocietyDisruptionThe Nordic Centre of Excellence (NCoE) Initiative on Welfare Research will study the historical evolution of the Nordic welfare model and its ability to adapt to changing external circumstances.
The NCoE Initiative on Food, Nutrition and Health
ProgrammeFoodCommunityWelfareThe Nordic Centre of Excellence (NCoE) Initiative on Food, Nutrition and Health is a joint effort to enhance the scientific quality and international visibility of Nordic research within this field.
Sustainable Freight and Logistics in a Nordic Context
ProgrammeTransportTRANSITIONINDUSTRYThe initiative focus on major societal needs, strengthening the competitiveness of freight transport, creating know-how and building stronger cooperation between research communities, industry, and ministries in a Nordic context.
Nordic-Baltic research and innovation Initiative on Living Labs (LILAN)
ProgrammeIndustryPartnershipCommunityIn Living Labs, the users are co-creators in the development process. The actual needs and working conditions of service providers and users make up the starting point. The LILAN initiative originates from a NORIA-net financed by NordForsk.
Impacts of Climate Change in Nordic Primary Industries
ProgrammeFOODFORESTOCEANThe initiative deals with the management of natural resources in the Nordic region. Its conclusions will be used in the preparation of a climate policy within the area.
Citizens' Services
ProgrammeDataSocietyIndustryCitizens' Services is a Nordic-Baltic R&D initiative with the objective to develop useful and effective national public eServices for the citizens in the Nordic-Baltic region.