interdisciplinary road rails
Photo: Unsplash

Call for proposals for interdisciplinary research projects

The first call for proposals under the Nordic Initiative for Interdisciplinary Research has a budget of NOK 120 million and the deadline for submissions is 13 November 2019.

Interdisciplinarity is widely acknowledged as essential to the generation of new and ground-breaking research results, and interdisciplinary research is an obvious area in which Nordic collaboration will generate added value. The call is specifically aimed at genuinely interdisciplinary projects that combine disciplines which are far removed from one another and rarely collaborate, or that pursue an original research question requiring the exact combination of competencies from different disciplines proposed in the application. Projects awarded funding must include at least two of the following three areas of science: Life science, Physical Sciences & Engineering, and Social Sciences and Humanities.

Financial Framework
The maximum funding that may be sought per project is NOK 15 million, and NordForsk hopes to fund 8 - 12 research projects under this call. Funding will be granted for up to four years, and successful proposals must include partners from at least three Nordic countries.

Read the full text of the call here.


Bjørnar K

Bjørnar Solhaug Komissar
