The proposal STC-herring aims at assessing the feasibility and the potential effects of spatiotemporal closures on herring stocks in the Baltic and Eastern North Sea.
Nordic Health Crises University Network (HealthCrisNet), coordinated by Centre for Health Crises at Karolinska Institutet, consists of project partners from five Nordic universities.
This project aims to explore how the Nordic welfare model, renowned for its combination of economic efficiency and social equality, can evolve to ensure resilience and sustainability in the face of global challenges.
Across Europe there has been a growing worry about the ways in which disinformation, AI-generated deepfakes, conspiracy theories and the information infrastructures are weaponized in local, national, and international conflicts.
Achieving sustainable fisheries in the Norwegian Sea relies on management that recognises that fish stocks do not exist in isolation but interact with their environment and with each other.
Spawning cod aggregations have been historically targeted by commercial fisheries since they tend to be predictable in time and space and offer easy access to large number of individuals.