This could be climate change, technological advancements, and geopolitical shifts.
The project addresses the role of taxation and public trust in achieving climate transitions, focusing on how citizens' perceptions of fairness influence support for environmental policies like carbon taxes. Through an innovative survey, we will gather insights into how people's exposure to climate risks affects their attitudes towards taxation and their individual actions to mitigate climate change.
Central to the project is the unique interdisciplinary collaboration that brings together researchers, policymakers, civil society, and citizens across the Nordic region. The creation of a Nordic Public Policy Network (NPPN) will serve as a platform for knowledge sharing and the co-creation of strategies to enhance societal resilience. This network integrates expertise from economics, political science, climate research, and governance, involving academic institutions such as Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Uppsala University, the Frisch Centre, and Tampere University.
The project is also pioneering a new model for collaboration with local communities and municipal governments. We will pilot citizens' assemblies, where diverse groups of citizens engage in deliberations about local climate issues and provide actionable recommendations to regional authorities. Additionally, we will establish a platform for researchers and local stakeholders to co-create knowledge, fostering practical solutions for local climate resilience.
This inter-disciplinary project brings together academic experts on Economics, Governance and Climate Resilience. Our cross-sectoral collaboration ensures that the project integrates perspectives from academia, local governments, civil society, and the general public. By leveraging the collective strengths of Nordic countries, this project will build a blueprint for resilient and fair societies equipped to face future crises.