New research project explores how the Nordic welfare model, known for its combination of economic efficiency and social equality, can ensure resilience and preparedness in a time of global climate challenges.
NordForsk announces funding for approximately seven Nordic and Nordic-Baltic research projects. Applicants are invited to submit proposals for projects within the scope of the call.
There was a time when disinformation and conspiracy theories mostly were associated with uneducated and marginalized people. Today, we are witnessing a shift, and it has now become a strategic tool also for Nordic mainstream-politics.
It is important to understand how governments at different levels, businesses and civil society can best work together to make society more resilient to hybrid threats, emphasises Arne Flåøyen, Director of NordForsk.
The spectre of antagonistic threats and hybrid aggression is high on the agenda in the Nordic-Baltic region. In this context, NordForsk will launch a call focusing on funding research contributing to increased knowledge about antagonistic threats and societal security in the Nordic-Baltic region.
Nordic Health Crises University Network (HealthCrisNet), coordinated by Centre for Health Crises at Karolinska Institutet, consists of project partners from five Nordic universities.