The overall research task consists of individualizing and explaining cyber security when it comes to mitigating threats but also to empowering both individuals and communities in EHN to cope with new, ICT-related socio-politico-legal, cultural, economic and environmental challenges.
The overall aim of ReiGN is to understand how climate change and other processes in the Arctic will affect reindeer husbandry in Fennoscandia and how reindeer husbandry can adapt to these drivers.
The ARCPATH project aims at improving Arctic climate predictions, increasing understanding regarding how changes in climate interact with many factors relating to local communities, and supplying this knowledge as potential pathways to action.
Linking the detailed information of the spatio-temporal distribution of air pollution levels and the chemical composition of the atmospheric particles with register data for mortality and morbidity, we have a unique opportunity in the Nordic countries to gain new understanding of the various health impacts from different kinds of air pollution from different kind of sources.
Nordic societal security in light of the emerging global and regional trends is the title of the call for proposals which drew 28 proposals. The plan is to fund up to four projects from a total budget of NOK 44 million.
NordForsk is issuing a call under the Nordic-Russian Cooperation Initiative in Higher Education and Research, and encourages research projects with partners in Greenland to apply for funding with an additional fund. The call has a budget of approximately NOK 2 million and the deadline is 17 October 2019.