Leveraging Nordic Opportunities to Transform Mental Health Care through Precision Medicine

Understanding how interplay between nature and nurture during these sensitive early phases creates individual differences in human mental traits is a fundamental question spanning the social and life sciences.

The ultimate goal of the PreciMENT research cooperation team is to transform our understanding of these disorders by applying novel analytical tools to differences in genotypes and environment to predict disease trajectories, creating the foundation for Precision Psychiatry.

With this project, the researchers wish to enhance existing Nordic university expertise and capacity through training young scientists to utilize Nordic biobanks, health registries and real-world data from ~1.8 million individuals. This includes prospective birth cohorts, where we will contribute to advanced brain magnetic resonance imaging during adolescence. By combining a world-leading analytical pipeline based on secure, high-throughput computational infrastructure and advanced mathematical modeling that leverages massive amounts of environmental, genetic, and imaging data from international cohorts, we will transform mental health research from a categorical and descriptive approach to a dimensional and predictive framework.

The project involves strong synergy through our multidisciplinary team, comprising world-leading experts and young talented scientists, integrated with frontline clinical and basic research collaborators. Through long-term funding and integration of mental health research, we will build on and expand existing Nordic infrastructure and networks to unleash the potential of the unique Nordic research environment, enable new discoveries, and form the basis for more targeted prevention and treatment for the individual patient. We will train a network of Nordic researchers that can leverage these Nordic resources to help fuel the development of precision psychiatry within their countries and across the globe.


Bodil Aurstad. Photo: NordForsk

Bodil Aurstad

Bjørnar K

Bjørnar Solhaug Komissar
