Over two years have passed since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, resulting in an unprecedented displacement of war refugees in Europe. A substantial number of refugees have sought sanctuary in Baltic and Nordic countries. The rapidly evolving displacement situation highlights a growing need for enhanced scholarly and policy-oriented knowledge on refugee integration.
- When: 19 March 2024 at 13:00-14:30 (CET)
- Deadline for registration: 17 March 2024
Highlights include
- Insights on Refugee Education: A comparative study of immigrant incorporation in Finnish and Swedish schools and the arrival of Ukrainian refugee students, presented by Professor Anna Lund.
- Transnational Ties: The role of social connections in the integration pathways of Ukrainian refugees, presented by Researcher Mari Nuga
- Refugee employment: Empirical findings on refugee employment across different settlement contexts in Estonia, presented by Professor Tiit Tammaru.
- Policy Implications: The implications of Norwegian settlement policies on refugee outmigration, presented by Researcher Henrik Lindegaard Andersen.
One year ago, NordForsk received a special commission from the Nordic Council of Ministers’ secretariat to fund research supporting activities with relevance for the integration of refugees from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia in the Nordic countries. The INFLUX project is a result of this special commission and is led by Professor Liv Osland from Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. The project is now midway and is organising a public digital seminar on the 19th of March. During this webinar, they will be presenting some of their initial findings. You are very welcome to join the webinar or to spread the news to any relevant stakeholders.
For more information about the webinar, speakers and registration, please visit the conference web page.