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Additional Open Science activities - NCoE Arctic Research

The purpose of the call is to support additional efforts towards implementing best practices and principles for Open Science in research and research results. References can be found e.g. in the report Open Access to Research Data - Status, Issues and Outlook.

The four Nordic Centers of Excellence (NCoEs) in the NordForsk programme Responsible Development of the Arctic: Opportunities and Challenges - Pathways to Action are invited to submit an application (at most one application per center), describing extended Open Science activities and actions that adds value to the center activities as described in the original NCoE application and contract.

The Open Science paradigm implies that an open mode of collaboration on research and education is ensured, where structures and procedures encourage open transfer of knowledge and resources. It also implies that research resources and results, including publications, data, software tools and educational resources, are made openly accessible and usable for other researchers, as well as to other actors in society, where applicable.

The Nordic countries have a strong record in driving the development of Open Science, including Open Access to research results, data, tools and procedures. The development of e-infrastructure and e-science tools and techniques is both an enabling factor and a driving force for the evolution of the Open Science paradigm. Building on recent experience and activities, NordForsk, through the Nordic eScience Action Plan 2.0, launch this call for Open Science pilot research projects, exclusively open to the NCoEs in the Arctic Research Programme.Who is eligible to apply?

The main applicant must be the project leader of one of the Nordic Centres of Excellences. The new or extended Open Science activities can be carried out as separate tasks, within one or more of the work packages within the Center.

Financial framework
This call for proposals is funded and administered by NordForsk. The total budget for this call is maximum NOK 3,5 million, and the maximum funding amount that may be sought is NOK 3,5 million. Funding will be granted for a period of three to five years. However, the grant period cannot extend beyond the end of the funding period for the NCoE. Funding may be used for:

  • Administrative expenses related to project management
  • Establishing and implementing policies for open access to research results from the center, including publications, data and software tools
  • Development of e-science tools and e-infrastructure for enabling such open access


Kyösti Lempa

Kyösti Lempa
