Nordic University Cooperation on Edge Intelligence (NUEI)

The current Nordic Edge intelligence research efforts are fragmented and are supported by local national instruments, lacking the necessary mass to become an international area of excellence.

NUEI brings together the strongest Nordic research groups from four Nordic countries to form a long-term partnership for expanding edge intelligence cooperation in the Nordic region.

The overall aims of NUEI include 1) to promote Nordic collaboration on edge intelligence, which will increase the capacity of the participating organisations and create the critical mass needed to establish a world-leading consortium; 2) to develop use cases with industries and accelerate exploitation of Edge Intelligence, and 3) to implement a streamlined training, networking, and dissemination. The project brings not only different competencies, but also different technical/testbed capabilities, which provides multiple excellent opportunities for the consortium to develop new collaboration with stakeholders.

NUEI will strengthen national research and innovation systems by increasing the capacity and the ability of Nordic nations to address European and global cooperation and competition, as well as increasing their competitiveness and growth via research and innovation. NUEI will enable significant impact on both Nordic research communities and Nordic societies.


Bodil Aurstad. Photo: NordForsk

Bodil Aurstad

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