Nordic Centre for Comparative and International Family Law (NorFam)

The related fields are sociology, psychology, theology, medicine, gender studies etc.

Currently, Nordic legal scholarship is often underrepresented in international debates, despite the fact that the Nordic jurisdictions and societies have frequently been in the vanguard of many societal and legal developments (e.g. gender equality, recognition of same-sex relationships and cohabitation). NorFam will fill this gap through joint Nordic projects which will:

  1. generate genuinely inter-Nordic research to stimulate scholarly and political debates in the Nordic Countries, and
  2. make accessible and disseminate Nordic scholarship in the English language so that Nordic voices can be heard in European and international debates.

For the latter, lecture series will be organised by NorFam to showcase Nordic research and bring international scholarship and debate to the Nordic Countries. NorFam will also enter into collaboration agreements with comparable research centres internationally, such as Cambridge Family Law and the nascent Centre for Australian Family Law.

While physically and administratively based at Aalborg University under the directorship of Prof Jens M. Scherpe, NorFam will have co-directors from all Nordic Countries who run the centre jointly, supported by an Advisory Board of eminent Nordic senior scholars. In addition, NorFam will have corresponding members from all Nordic institutions offering a law degree, ensuring that all colleagues with connection to NorFam’s research areas, and especially young researchers and PhD students, can be involved.

Supporting the next generation of scholars in their work and network building is central to NorFam. Therefore, NorFam will facilitate and support institutional exchanges for research stays of PhD students at other Nordic institutions, ensuring that their work not only has a national but also a genuine Nordic focus, i.e. taking into account the legal and other developments in the Nordic jurisdictions. In addition, NorFam will also organise annual Early Career Colloquia where young researchers can present their work and engage and network with their Nordic and international peers.


Bodil Aurstad. Photo: NordForsk

Bodil Aurstad

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