NNSP capacity building: Collaboration platform, schools, and networks

The Nordic Neutron Scattering Program (NNSP) is an initiative launched by NordForsk on preparing the Nordic scientific communities for using the European Spallation Source (ESS), which is under construction in Lund (S). The budget of NNSP is of the order 50 million NOK, of which most will go to employ and train Ph.D. student in cross-national projects within scientific fields and methods relevant in the context of ESS.

This project, the NNSP School, will form the heart of the training and community building within NNSP. The School will launch a series of basic and advanced courses to train Nordic Ph.D. students in the techniques of neutron scattering. We will provide a new teaching concept with a series of coherent lecture notes combined with e-learning modules and exercises containing analysis of real data. In addition, a hands-on course will be held at the JEEP-II reactor in Norway.

Furthermore, the project will form topical scientific networks between Nordic students, scientists and industry researchers with the aim to increase collaboration and to lift competences also in groups new to neutron scattering. We aim to include also the Baltic countries in these activities. In total, the collaboration behind NNSP School cover 49 different departments in 33 different universities or research institutions, as well as 4 major companies.

An important part of the NNSP School is coordination and collaboration with other (exissting or announced) national, regional, and European projects with similar aims to strengthen the neutron scattering community by Ph.D. stipends, courses, and networking. As an integral part of the NNSP School, we will establish a collaboration platform with a main aim to share activities between the different initiatives.


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Bjørnar Solhaug Komissar

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