One of NordForsk's main goals is to facilitate Nordic research collaboration that makes an impact. Our impact report is a way for us to showcase the extent of how NordForsk funded research contributes to impact.
In this year's report, we are pleased to announce a significant increase in the number of projects that have submitted their reports, contributing to the substantial rise in most reported figures compared to previous years. One notable methodological change in our current edition is our choice to focus exclusively on active projects. Typically, impact often materialises sometime after the conclusion of a project, and in some instances, years later. This poses a recognised challenge in capturing the full scope of impacts once the projects have ceased their reporting to NordForsk.
Research impact measurement is diverse, with no uniform approach across the board. Our findings, presented in a recently published NordForsk-report, highlight this by identifying that national research funders in the Nordic countries each utilise distinct systems for recording and reporting impacts. Nevertheless, there is a shared recognition that moving towards greater standardisation and harmonisation is desirable.
For the first time, we have enriched our report with a selection of impact stories. While quantitative data in the form of figures and tables provides valuable insights, it does not fully encapsulate the outcomes of research. We have therefore included qualitative narratives to complement our data. We have chosen to present projects with high impact and high Nordic added value.
Lastly, I wish to draw attention to the figure showing how successfully our funded projects have secured new research grants. This underscores the capacity of NordForsk-funded projects to create excellent research and sustainable researcher networks.
We trust that this report will offer valuable insights and inspire continued excellence and collaboration in Nordic research.
Arne Flåøyen, Director of NordForsk