On 24 February, Russia invaded its neighbour, Ukraine. This has resulted in the biggest refugee crisis in Europe since World War Two. Millions have crossed Ukraine’s borders into neighbouring countries in the west, and many will continue on through Europe to get to their final destination in one of the Nordic countries.
Ukrainian refugees ought to be met by professional services with expertise and capabilities in many fields. Many of those who are responsible for planning and designing the services should have the latest knowledge about migration and integration issues, enabling them to plan and organise the refugees’ arrival and integration in the best way possible.
Since 2020, NordForsk has funded seven international research projects on migration and integration with researchers from all the Nordic countries and the UK. We invited these seven projects and one additional project that we funded in a previous call to submit tailor-made articles presenting results and analysis which could help us better understand the needs of Ukrainian refugees.
The articles are based on the results from the researchers’ own work on refugees and migrants in the Nordic countries and the UK. This research-based knowledge is presented in a popular way to provide valuable insight into how refugees think, feel, and should be met in order to facilitate their introduction to the Nordic societies.
Oslo, 29 March 2022
Arne Flåøyen