
A Nordic proposal on European Open Science Cloud awarded funding from the European Commission

On request from the five Nordic e-infrastructure providers Nordic eInfrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) coordinated the Nordic-Baltic proposal worth 6 million euros. NeIC will be the coordinator of the EOSC-Nordic project and also lead a Work Package on FAIR data. The project will seek to establish the Nordic and Baltic countries as frontrunners in the take-up of the EOSC concept, principles and approach.

The project proposal, named ‘EOSC-Nordic’, was submitted November 2018 by NeIC on behalf of a consortium of 24 partners. The project which have now been awarded funding from the European Commission will aim to foster and advance the take-up of the EOSC at the Nordic level by coordinating the EOSC-relevant initiatives taking place in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands and Germany.

Gudmund Høst, Director of NeIC is very pleased with the awarded funding:

- This award, and the excellent review report, is resulting from the skills, enthusiasm and hard work of a large number of colleagues. I am grateful for this opportunity to contribute to the European Open Science Cloud and look forward to planning and implementing the project.

Strong consortium
EOSC-Nordic aims to facilitate the coordination of EOSC relevant initiatives within the Nordic and Baltic countries and exploit synergies to achieve greater harmonisation at policy and service provisioning across these countries, in compliance with EOSC agreed standards and practices.

EOSC-Nordic brings together a strong consortium including e-Infrastructure providers, research performing organisations and expert networks, with national mandates with regards to the provision of research services and open science policy, and wide experience of engaging with the research community and mobilising national governments, funding agencies, international bodies and global initiatives and high-level experts on EOSC strategic matters.

The result of a fantastic teamwork
EOSC-Nordic Coordinator, Lene Krøl Andersen, NeIC Executive Manager and Head of DeiC eScience Center, agrees with Gudmund Høst:

- EOSC-Nordic is the result of a fantastic teamwork – the absolute prerequisite for putting EOSC into practice across Europe. EOSC-Nordic will catalyse the Nordic and Baltic uptake of the EOSC and ensure that we keep providing world-class research infrastructure and easy access to essential infrastructure services for all our researchers.

Krøl Andersen highlights the strong consortium behind the proposal and adds:

- I possess strong confidence in this successful birth of EOSC-Nordic and its path into becoming a reality – purely based on our strong consortium of experts and hardworking colleagues in a mixture of both researchers and research infrastructure providers. I look indeed forward to bring EOSC-Nordic into life.

Nordic conference on open science
NeIC 2019, the Nordic Infrastructure for Open Science conference, will be held in May 2019 and will give special focus to how cooperation across borders can help to strengthen Open Science.



Gudmund Høst

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