People in room with stairs, some talking other just observing
Aalto University / Tuomas Uusheimo

NordForsk receives 52 applications under call for pre-proposals on Nordic University Cooperation

Senior Adviser at NordForsk Bjørnar Komissar says:  

“We are very happy about the wide interest in this call and pleased to see that there is good distribution among the proposals in terms of both countries and research areas. All research disciplines are represented, and a significant share of the proposals are interdisciplinary. We are confident that the proposals that eventually will be funded will contribute to strengthening research-based university cooperation across the Nordic region.” 

Two phases 

The call is conducted in two phases. A Call Committee with representatives from all Nordic countries will assess the pre-proposals in phase 1. In phase 2, approximately 20 applicants will be invited to submit full proposals, which will be assessed by an international expert panel and the Call Committee. The funding decision will be announced in Q4 2023. 

Budget and funding 

The available budget is NOK 300 million, where NOK 100 million is from NordForsk and NOK 200 million is provided by the institutions. Each consortium can receive maximum NOK 20 million of funding from NordForsk over a period of five years and must provide resources equalling twice the amount of funding sought from NordForsk. The start-up of the university cooperations is in 2024. 


Bodil Aurstad. Photo: NordForsk

Bodil Aurstad

Special Adviser
Bjørnar K

Bjørnar Solhaug Komissar

Special Adviser