Man stands wearing medical equipment in the form of a mask, visor and suit.
Foto: Johannes Wiken, Forsvaret

NordForsk received 35 applications under call for proposals on Societal security beyond COVID-19

Senior Adviser Kine Bugge Halvorsen is responsible for NordForsk’s Societal Security programme. She says:

“We are very pleased about the number of applications that we received for this call. The applications seem to cover a wide range of important topics related to societal security beyond COVID-19, and we are looking forward to reading them. This is an interesting call since it has a particular focus on the societal security aspects related to the COVID-19 pandemic. As far as I know there has not been another call in the Nordics with this particular angle, and it is exciting to be part of a call that could shape Nordic research in this area in the years to come.”

The overarching theme of the call is to explore the medium to long-term consequences beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. The different policies and practices applied in the Nordic countries will provide opportunities for fruitful comparative approaches.


There are eight funding partners in addition to NordForsk: Academy of Finland, Ministry of the Interior i Finland, Icelandic Centre for Research - RANNIS, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, Swedish Research Council, Innovation Fund Denmark, Research Council of Norway and the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Available budget: 45 million NOK. Maximum amount of funding that may be sought: 9 million NOK.

Learn more about NordForsk’s programme on Societal Security.