The NordForsk Board has now decided to award NOK 67 million to fund seven of the projects. This was the fourth call for proposals under NordForsk’s Nordic Initiative on Health and Welfare.
The call was targeted towards research that would address societal challenges and use register data from combined data sources, i.e. both socio-economic and health-related data. In keeping with NordForsk's objective of strengthening Nordic register-based research, another aim of the call was to identify existing obstacles and bottlenecks (technical, organisational, legal, ethical) that hamper Nordic collaborative research utilising register data.
The NordForsk Board decided to award funding to the following seven projects:
- CP-North: Living Life with Cerebral Palsy in the Nordic Countries, Project Leader: Professor Gunnar Hägglund, Lund University
- Welfare state life courses: Social inequalities in the co-evolution of employment, health and critical life events (WELLIFE), Project Leader: Dr. Kjetil van der Wel, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences
- Scandinavian multi-registry study of antiepileptic drug teratogenicity: the SCANA study, Project Leader: Professor Nils Erik Gilhus, University of Bergen
- Nordic studies on occupational and traffic noise in relation to disease (NordSOUND), Project Leader: Professor Mette Sørensen, The Danish Cancer Society Research Centre
- A multidisciplinary research approach on obstructive airway diseases: socio-economical and life course perspectives, Project Leader: Professor Eva Rönmark, Umeå University
- Childhood morbidity and potential non-specific effects of the childhood vaccination programmes in the Nordic countries, Project Leader: Professor Christine Stabell Benn, Statens Serum Institut
- Nordic Pregnancy Drug Safety Studies NorPreSS, Project Leader: Professor Kari Furu, Norwegian Institute of Public Health