Our 2024 impact report stands out with a record 91.2 per cent response rate from active projects, providing a comprehensive overview of our current research portfolio. By focusing exclusively on active projects, the report offers a timely snapshot of ongoing research impacts.
The report reveals achievements across various metrics. Our active projects have reported 2,829 publications and 2,605 dissemination activities, demonstrating robust engagement in sharing research findings. There are 573 reported collaborations and partnerships, an indicator for networks formed through our support. With 301 instances of awards and recognition, the high quality of our funded research is evident. Additionally, our active projects have secured 244 instances of further funding and reported 193 influences on policy and practice.
For the first time, our report also includes “impact stories”, offering a narrative complement to the quantitative data. These stories are highlights that we believe give some insight to what kinds of significance of the research we support may entail, and our aim is that this short narrative format will provide more context to the numbers.
“Our work with measuring the impact of our projects, as well as impact as a concept, took great leaps last year. We have managed to establish fluent workflows with our data, establishing a database that feeds directly into our analytical tools, allowing for efficient analysis of key indicators and their internal relationships,” states Simon Jernroth, Analytics Officer at NordForsk.

Arne Flåøyen, Director of NordForsk, underscores the broader mission.
“How to work with impact and how to present the impact of the projects we have financed is a process that NordForsk takes seriously.”
“We started just a few years ago, and we are still trying out methods. One cannot therefore compare this year's report with last year's report without taking into account that there are some differences in the reporting,” continues Flåøyen.

NordForsk remains dedicated to advancing the measurement and understanding of research impact. Our impact dashboard and the report Nordic Perspectives on Research Impact exemplify these efforts.
Overall, our 2024 Impact Report provides a representative view of our active contributions to scientific and societal advancements stemming from Nordic research collaboration.