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New call for proposals: NOK 17 million for Nordic Research Infrastructure Hubs

A Nordic Research Infrastructure (RI) Hub is a long-term partnership between Nordic universities, universities of applied sciences, university colleges and research institutes in a consortium that provides a framework for enhancing and/or expanding RI cooperation in the  Nordic region.

The overall objective of Nordic RI Hub is to strengthen international competitiveness and facilitating the development of world-leading Nordic RI environments based on relevant research and research infrastructure priorities. Funding will be provided for high-quality activities that will increase Nordic cooperation on RI by building long-term institutional capacity, promoting excellence, and creating Nordic added value.

A Nordic research infrastructure hub should strengthen Nordic cooperation on a specific, large-scale research infrastructure project with the aim of building and expanding Nordic competence within its area.

The NordForsk funding allocated to the call is 17 NOK million in total. Each consortium may receive maximum NOK 3 million in NordForsk funding in total. Funding is expected to be provided for five or six consortia. NordForsk funding will be available for the period 2020 - 2022.

Deadline for the call for proposals: 22 October  2019.

Read the full text of the call here.