Forsiden av rapporten Integrering av innvandrere i Norge

Mapping Nordic immigration research

NordForsk has carried out a systematic survey of publications concerning refugees, migration and integration in the Nordic countries. The mapping is available in the report Integration of immigrants in the Nordic countries – A systematic search.

“This survey will make it easier for managers and decision-makers at all levels to find relevant knowledge and thus enable them to better meet the new refugee crisis in Europe in a good way,” says Arne Flåøyen, Director of NordForsk.

The bibliography is compiled after a systematic search conducted by Andreas Anker, Elin Hammer Tveito and Mathias Sunde Valseth, students in Library and Information Science at OsloMet. In addition to being useful to managers and decision-makers, it will be relevant for researchers, students and others who will do the same or similarly systematic mapping of research in this area.

The survey includes peer-reviewed articles and some Norwegian reports on the reception and integration of refugees in the Nordic countries in the period 2000 to 2022.

The searches were done in English and Scandinavian languages in seven different databases. The searches generated a total of 3719 references. After a screening, we had a total of 630 references.

The 630 references included in the bibliography consist of 515 articles in English, 15 in Danish, 19 in Norwegian, 13 in Swedish and 68 Norwegian reports.

All references are also available for download to Endnote. In addition, all search strings from the systematic search are published in a separate appendix.

Ukraine as backdrop

The survey is part two of a work that NordForsk initiated after Russia invaded Ukraine earlier this year. The invasion has resulted in the largest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II.

In April, NordForsk published the first part through the report Ukrainian refugees and the Nordics. The aim was to give input and research-led best practice from Nordic and British scholars on how to cater for Ukrainian refugees arriving in the Nordic countries.


Guttorm Aanes. Photo: NordForsk

Guttorm Aanes

Head of Communications

Guttorm Aanes is Head of Communications at NordForsk, and responsible for strengthening the visibility and impact of Nordic research co-operation.

He has extensive communication experience from Norwegian ministries and research institutes.

Guttorm holds a master's degree in Media and Communication from the University of Oslo. In 2023, he completed a master's programme in PR management and strategic communication at BI Norwegian Business School.

Press and media in NordForsk

LinkedIn profile

Siri Bjarnar. Photo: NordForsk

Siri Jørgensen Bjarnar

Chief Operating Officer