“We are very pleased that so many applications were submitted in response to this call,” says Senior Adviser Lise-Lotte Wallenius, contact person for the call. She adds, “It shows that there’s a great need for this type of funding, and that there is added value in cooperating across the Nordic countries on research infrastructure.”
A Nordic research infrastructure hub is a long-term partnership between Nordic universities, research institutes and university colleges.
Nordic consortia of this type are intended to enhance Nordic cooperation on a specific research infrastructure project with the aim of developing and expanding Nordic competence in a variety of areas. A hub should comprise activities that increase joint Nordic use of and access to research infrastructures.
The 33 proposals received will be now evaluated by a panel of international experts, after which they will be assessed by the programme committee. The final decision on which projects are awarded funding will be taken by the NordForsk Board. Funding decisions will be communicated late April 2020.
The deadline for submitting applications was 22 October 2019 and the overall budget for the call is NOK 17 million.
A maximum amount of NOK 3 million may be awarded per project. NordForsk hopes to be able to fund for five or six university consortia under this call. Funding will be provided for the period 2020–2022.