Mission group 3 – Nordic digital green transition initiative

To achieve this, we need to address: How to uncover existing initiatives within digital green transition in the Nordic region.
- What can we learn from each other across the Nordic countries?
- What initiatives can we establish together into the EU system?
- What initiatives could be exciting to work together on, where the “Nordic added value” is present and clear?
Final output from the Mission Group spring process
Members of the mission group
- Ingrid Petersson (Chair), Director General, Formas
- Dan Hill, Director of Strategic Design, Vinnova
- David Dreyer Lassen, Prorector for Research, Copenhagen University
- Frede Blaabjerg, Professor and Chairman, DFiR
- Klaus Skytte, CEO, Nordic Energy Research
- Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen, Dean, Copenhagen University
- Simon Kjær Hansen, European Director, C40
- Bjørn Taale Sandberg, Head of Research, Telenor
- Jesper W. Simonsen, Executive Director, The Research Council of Norway
- Jussi Vauhkonen, Director, Academy of Finland
- Lea Kauppi, General Director, Finnish Environment Institute