Mandate for Nordic Commons
This mandate for the Nordic Commons' Policy Board and Executive Team has been decided by the Committee of Officials for Social and Health Policy (ÄK-S) on 10 December 2021 (written procedure).
Background and purpose
The Nordic Council of Ministers for Co-operation (MR-SAM) decided on an action plan for the Council of Ministers' vision for 2030 on 23 November 2020. It is a priority area to make it possible to share health data between the Nordic countries safely and efficiently. This is of great benefit to research, innovation, health and healthcare, which promotes health and welfare both in and outside the Nordic region.
NordForsk published the report "A vision of a Nordic secure digital infrastructure for health data: The Nordic Commons" on 10 December 2019. The report's proposals and recommendations are now part of the Council of Ministers' action plan and have received financial support in the four-year action plan.
The aim of the project is to test solutions and practical approaches to share health data between regional/national actors in the Nordic countries and, by extension, to support research, innovation, and business development. The project will clarify this exchange of information and measures required for implementation in the Nordic region.
Roles and tasks of the Policy Board
- Ensure the implementation of the "Nordic Commons" project in accordance with the report's proposals and recommendations and make the necessary adjustments based on national and international development e.g. new identified needs.
- Appoint an Executive Team.
- Appoint the necessary expert groups and call in experts if necessary.
- Anchor work at national level, for example through national reference groups.
- Work to ensure that the project is carried forward after 2024.
- Approve the implementation plan and financing plan.
Composition and organisation of the Policy Board
- The Policy Board shall consist of representatives from the five Nordic countries.
- The Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland are offered observer status in the Policy Board and can appoint one person each.
- Each country appoints two ordinary members, one of whom is from a ministry.
- In the composition of the Policy Board, gender equality shall be sought.
- The members are appointed for the period 2021–2024 and must be anchored in national health data initiatives and have mandates from their respective country's authorities to cooperate at the Nordic level.
- Norway and Finland are Lead Countries throughout the period 2021–2024. Lead Countries shares the vice-chairman’s role, i.e. two vice-presidents are appointed.
- The Policy Board is chaired by a Chairman who is elected for a two-year term.
- The Chairman is appointed by Lead Countries in consultation with the Secretariat of the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Director of NordForsk. The President may be appointed for a new two-year term.
- The Policy Board is responsible for deciding when members from at least half of the countries are present, i.e. at least three countries are represented.
- The Policy Board shall seek to make decisions by consensus. If consensus cannot be reached, each country has one vote. Decisions are taken by a simple majority. In the event of an equal vote, the President has a casting vote.
- Minutes of the Policy Board meetings shall be kept. The Minutes are sent to the Secretariat of the Nordic Council of Ministers for information.
- The Policy Board may make decisions at meetings, at telephone meetings, videoconferencing or by written procedure (incl. electronic mail).
- The Nordic Council of Ministers participates as an observer in policy board meetings.
- Nordic Innovation is offered observer status in the Policy Board.
- The Policy Board may appoint other observers.
- The Policy Board shall meet at least twice a year.
Roles and tasks of lead countries
- Vice Chairman of the Policy Board (two Vice-Chairmen).
- Chairman and Vice-President of the Executive Team.
- Take special responsibility for identifying and driving through activities of Nordic added value to implement the Nordic Commons project in line with the Nordic Council of Ministers' high ambitions in the field of health data.
Roles and tasks of the Executive Team
- Each country appoints a member for the period 2021–2024 to be anchored in national health data initiatives or equivalent.
- In the composition of the Executive Team, gender equality shall be sought.
- The member from one of the lead countries is the chairman.
- The member from the other lead country is vice-president.
- Contribute with expertise and information to the Policy Board and NordForsk on ongoing national and international initiatives.
- Report to Policy Board meetings.
- An implementation plan and a financing plan must be prepared together with NordForsk and approved by the Policy Board.
- The Executive Team shall meet if necessary (at least twice a year).
Roles and tasks of NordForsk
- Through a supplementary letter of service (No. 1, 2021), NordForsk has been commissioned to host secretariats for the implementation of the Nordic Commons project.
- NordForsk will design, implement and coordinate the work, in close cooperation with the Policy Board and executive team.
- NordForsk will act as administrative support to the Policy Board and Executive Team.
- An implementation plan and a financing plan shall be drawn up together with the Executive Team and approved by the Policy Board.
- NordForsk shall report separately on the work in the project twice a year, orally to the annual meeting in MR-S and in writing to the autumn meeting of the Committee of Officials for Social and Health Policy.
- Provide support to the working expert groups.
- Management of allocated funds for the project from the Nordic Council of Ministers.
The Nordic Commons project has been supported by MR-SAM with 20 MDKK during 2021–2024. In addition, the Nordic Council of Ministers for Health and Social Affairs (MR-S) contributes DKK 500,000 per year. On the basis of the implementation plan and the financing plan, it is decided on how different tasks will be carried out in NordForsk and in the countries.
Compensation from the allocated budget for the project may be paid for certain administrative support, expertise and assignments for activities initiated by the Policy Board. The Policy Board decides on the funds.
The Policy Board's mandate is valid from 10 December 2021 to 31 December 2024. The mandate may be revised during the project period if necessary. ÄK-S decides on a revised mandate.
The Nordic Commons project is organised in two bodies: The Policy Board and The Executive Team.
In addition, NordForsk has is responsible for designing, implementing and coordinating the work.