Joint Nordic-Baltic webinar on collaboration in agricultural research

12:00 - 14:00
Register here
Field in Jutland, Denmark

Nordic Association of Agricultural Science (NJF), The Nordic Joint Committee for Agricultural and Food Research (NKJ) and NordForsk organise a webinar on Nordic-Baltic collaboration in agricultural research.

The webinar will highlight the Nordic-Baltic agricultural research and research collaboration as well as introduce an upcoming Nordic-Baltic conference on resolving environmental and climate change issues in agriculture that will be organised in autumn 2024.

The purpose of the Nordic-Baltic joint webinar webinar is to

  • Highlight the Nordic-Baltic perspective on agricultural research and research collaboration
  • To share information on different Nordic organisations and what opportunities they offer to agricultural researchers
  • Share information about the Nordic plant trial network and sustainable agriculture and forest production in future Nordic climates.


Kyösti Lempa

Kyösti Lempa

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