Arctic Frontiers 2023 Conference

17:30 - 19:00
Tromsø, Norway
arctic greenland city houses colours winter

About the event

NordForsk is organising a session in co-operation with the Research Council of Norway, Embassy of Canada to Norway and Canadian International Arctic Centre.

Join us for a discussion on how Inclusion, Accountability, Communication, and Respect are key ingredients in engaging Indigenous Peoples in Arctic Research.

Arctic research has been defined and carried out primarily by non-Indigenous researchers. The approaches used, even in areas with indigenous peoples have not generally reflected Indigenous world views, and the research has not necessarily benefited Indigenous peoples or communities.

The landscape of research involving Indigenous peoples is rapidly changing, there are growing numbers of indigenous scholars contributing to research as academics and community researchers. Communities are becoming better informed about the risks and benefits of research. Technological developments allowing rapid distribution of information are presenting both opportunities and challenges regarding the governance of information.

The session will be designed to serve to share best practices around how to implement ethical conduct of arctic research involving Indigenous peoples. The session will explore, among other questions, how to involve indigenous peoples respectfully, how one encourages collaboration and engagement between researchers and participants, and how funders develop calls that ensure ethical conduct.

Tromsø Venue: The Edge, Arbeidskontoret 1.

Serving: A light meal and mineral water.


Torjer Andreas Olsen
Professor in indigenous studies, UiT – University of the Arctic, Tromsø. Olsen teaches methodology and theoretical perspectives on the Master's degree program in indigenous studies. Research interests: Sami and indigenous issues in school and education; gender, power, and positions in indigenous studies, the history of religions in Sápmi and Northern Norway.


Crystal Fraser
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts - History, Classics, & Religion Dept. University of Alberta, Canada. Fraser is Gwichyà Gwich'in and originally from Inuvik and Dachan Choo Gę̀hnjik, Northwest Territories. She also has connections to English and Scottish heritage. Crystal's PhD research focused on the history of student experiences at Indian Residential Schools in the Inuvik Region between 1959 and 1996. Her work makes a strong contribution to how scholars engage with Indigenous research methodologies and theoretical concepts, our understanding of Indigenous histories during the second half of the twentieth century, and how northern Canada was unique in relation to the rest of the settler nation. Crystal's doctoral dissertation was awarded the 2020 John Bullen Prize by the Canadian Historical Association for her thesis, titled T’aih k’ìighe’ tth’aih zhit dìidìch’ùh or By Strength We Are Still Here.


Mikkel Berg-Norlie
Senior researcher at the NIBR Institute of Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet). Berg-Nordlie wrote his PhD in history at UiT – University of the Arctic, on the subject of Russian Sámi politics. Berg-Nordlie mainly writes about Indigenous politics and other ethnic minority-related politics. Among his more recent academic works are An Urban Future for Sápmi? Indigenous Urbanization in the Nordic states and Russia (Berghahn 2022) and Sámi in the Heart: Kinship, Culture, and Community as Foundations for Indigenous Sámi Identity in Norway (Ethnopolitics 2021).


Eva Marie Fjellheim
PhD Student, The Saami Council. Fjellheim holds a Master in Development Studies and Human Geography, and currently pursues a PhD in Indigenous Studies. She has a broad background from working with Indigenous peoples’ issues in Sápmi and Latin-America, focusing on Indigenous peoples’ land rights and conflicts caused by extractive industries. Her PhD research concerns green colonialism and resistance to the wind energy industry on Saami reindeer herding lands.



Guttorm Aanes. Photo: NordForsk

Guttorm Aanes

Head of Communications

Guttorm Aanes is Head of Communications at NordForsk, and responsible for strengthening the visibility and impact of Nordic research co-operation.

He has extensive communication experience from Norwegian ministries and research institutes.

Guttorm holds a master's degree in Media and Communication from the University of Oslo. In 2023, he completed a master's programme in PR management and strategic communication at BI Norwegian Business School.

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