About the event
NordForsk is organising a session in co-operation with the Research Council of Norway, Embassy of Canada to Norway and Canadian International Arctic Centre.
Join us for a discussion on how Inclusion, Accountability, Communication, and Respect are key ingredients in engaging Indigenous Peoples in Arctic Research.
Arctic research has been defined and carried out primarily by non-Indigenous researchers. The approaches used, even in areas with indigenous peoples have not generally reflected Indigenous world views, and the research has not necessarily benefited Indigenous peoples or communities.
The landscape of research involving Indigenous peoples is rapidly changing, there are growing numbers of indigenous scholars contributing to research as academics and community researchers. Communities are becoming better informed about the risks and benefits of research. Technological developments allowing rapid distribution of information are presenting both opportunities and challenges regarding the governance of information.
The session will be designed to serve to share best practices around how to implement ethical conduct of arctic research involving Indigenous peoples. The session will explore, among other questions, how to involve indigenous peoples respectfully, how one encourages collaboration and engagement between researchers and participants, and how funders develop calls that ensure ethical conduct.
Tromsø Venue: The Edge, Arbeidskontoret 1.
Serving: A light meal and mineral water.
Torjer Andreas Olsen |
Crystal Fraser |
Mikkel Berg-Norlie |
Eva Marie Fjellheim |