Mobilising the Nordics: Webinar 1 - the mission orientation

13:00 - 16:00
Sign up

The purpose of this first Mobilising the Nordics webinar is to focus on the Mission Orientation. What is it? How will it influence our system? Mission orientation is the paradigm behind the new EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe. But it is also a way of thinking - that we build missions together around societal demands. When we mobilize around a mission together, we create the strength and energy to change our society. But how is this possible to do together across the Nordic countries and across sectors and organisations? We will explore these themes together at the webinar.

Sign up for webinar 1

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‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏For the first round of group discussions, the goal is to get inspired and involved in the work of the four initiated mission groups through an interactive process. Please indicate up to 3 of the following mission groups you are interested in learning more about and discussing. You will be put in one of the selected groups at the webinar.
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‏‎‎‏‏For the second round of group discussions, the goal is to become inspired through dialogue-based discussions under the overall topic of the Mission Orientation. Please indicate the 3 themes/problem areas you are interested in learning more about and discussing together with peers from across Nordic countries and sectors. You will be put in one of the selected groups at the webinar.
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