Projects in this call can address the medium to long-term effects for individuals and groups, for Nordic societies, and for the Nordic community, of the COVID-19 pandemic within the thematic framework of the call. Emphasis is placed on linking research and practice, and the involvement of various types of end users is encouraged to help strengthen the knowledge base for practice and for research-informed policy.
The overarching theme of the call is to explore the medium to long-term consequences beyond the COVID-19 pandemic as they relate to societal security and the notion of a Nordic community, and how the Nordic countries can evolve together – or not together – for the future.
The different policies and practices applied in the Nordic countries will provide opportunities for fruitful comparative approaches. Projects may take advantage of the “natural experiment” aspects of intra-Nordic differences in responses and effects along various dimensions of societal security.
Available budget: 45 million NOK.
Maximum amount of funding that may be sought: 9 million NOK.
Please note that NordForsk may make changes to the call text until six weeks before the deadline. Any such changes will be stated clearly.