Research projects within the Nordic Neutron Science Initiative

The European Spallation Source (ESS) is presently under construction in Lund, Sweden. The facility will provide unprecedented neutron scattering capabilities for materials and biosciences in the Nordic region. It is imperative that the Nordic countries take full advantage of the scientific potential of the ESS.

To meet this need, NordForsk has established a new Nordic Neutron Science initiative (NNSI) in collaboration with the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, the Research Council of Norway and the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation. The initiative has a total budget of approximately NOK 60 million. The initiative will run for five years starting in 2015.

The NNSP initiative will strengthen the Nordic neutron community by introducing the use of neutron scattering to scientific disciplines new to neutron techniques and facilitating the consolidation of existing neutron user groups.

Framework for the call

The main purpose of this call is to promote long-term excellence and capacity building in all areas of research using neutrons. This will be achieved by expanding the coming generation of Nordic neutron users to encompass both new user groups and neutron specialists.

The call is thematically open and will provide funding for research projects within all sciences using neutron scattering techniques. The call welcomes applications from established as well as new user groups.

When relevant, the proposed project is encouraged to seek contact with the new networks starting 1 June 2016 under the Nordic Neutron Science Initiative .

Projects are open for industrial collaboration.

A goal is to include both new and established neutron user groups in the project portfolio resulting from this call.

Financial framework

The initiative funding partners are the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, the Research Council of Norway, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, the Swedish Research Council and NordForsk.

The budget for the call is approximately NOK 40 million. Projects will be funded for a timeframe of 3-4 years.


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Bjørnar Solhaug Komissar

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