health care welfare people faces report

NTA Pilot Call: Support to Nordic clinical research projects

The number of clinical studies, i.e. studies of the effects of a drug or treatment, has declined in the Nordic countries over the past years. This may have a negative impact on the health care sector, and, among other things, increase the time it takes for new methods and treatments to be introduced to patients. The Nordic Trial Alliance wants to reverse this negative trend.

NTA is a pilot project jointly funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) and NordForsk for the period from 2013-2016. The NCM funding stems from the programme "Sustainable Nordic Welfare - Infrastructure for Welfare" which aims to identify new, innovative solutions to renew the Nordic welfare systems.

The proposed study should encompass an area of high interest and medical need for patients in the Nordic countries. The total available funding for this call is 6 MNOK for one to two projects. Each project may apply for up to 4 MNOK. Applications must be submitted before 21 March 2014. Decisions are to be announced at the end of June, 2014. Apply for funding for Nordic clinical research projects.

Read the full text of the call here.