
Nordic networking activities to support knowledge development on the post-COVID condition (PCC)

Call Deadline: 27.11.2024 13:00 (CET / Oslo time)

Available Budget: Up to NOK 2,800,000.

Maximum amount of funding that may be sought:
Each activity may apply for a grant in the range NOK 500 000 to maximum of NOK 1 000 000 in total.


The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the importance of new knowledge in the face of a crisis and the need for closer cooperation between the Nordic countries. A strengthened Nordic collaboration for better crisis management is a priority of the Nordic Council. To answer to this need, the Nordic Committee of Senior Officials for Health and Social Affairs (EK-S) under the Nordic Council of Ministers has given NordForsk the task of coordinating a project on knowledge development post COVID-19. The project has aimed to establish a network for collaboration on new research questions that the pandemic had given rise to, including information sharing on best practise examples, and capacity building around the post-COVID condition (PCC). A further aim has been to identify knowledge gaps that could be developed into Nordic research initiatives.

Aims and scope of the call

The aim of the call is to facilitate Nordic networking activities that promote knowledge-sharing and capacity-building relevant to research on the post-COVID condition (PCC). ). In this call PCC, also referred to as Long COVID, refers to the medical condition as defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO).  

The proposals should include (one or several) activities related to establishing Nordic transdisciplinary networks or other platforms for knowledge-sharing. The co-operation could target e.g.: 

  • multidisciplinary PCC-related research 
  • cross-sectorial cooperation between professionals working with PCC 
  • Nordic co-ordination of national research initiatives on PCC (incl. trials) 

Activities should strengthen Nordic collaboration and knowledge transfer and deliver concrete outcomes that enhance Nordic co-operation on PCC.  

The networks are expected to: 

  • operate across the Nordic countries, subjects and disciplines 
  • arrange seminars, webinars, workshops, courses, and other activities suitable to spread and build knowledge on PCC  
  • have patient-centric focus and consider involvement of patient organisations  
  • consider subjects like e.g. research ethics, gender perspectives, open research, and communication with stakeholders 
  • build on existing knowledge and lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, e.g. by making use of and multiplying best practice examples 
  • contribute to the international knowledge development by raising awareness and disseminating the outcomes of the networks to relevant end-users and stakeholders.  
  • in a long-term perspective increase Nordic participation in international research collaboration.

Nordic added value

Through Nordic research collaboration one can create outcomes and impact of greater value for the countries involved than could be achieved through national activities alone.

Applicants should elaborate on how the project will contribute to Nordic added value by enhancing Nordic strengths and addressing Nordic challenges or needs for new knowledge on PCC, and how the results of the project will impact the Nordic region.

Financial Framework

Applicants are invited to apply for funding to establish a Nordic cooperation activity with a a duration of 2-3 years. The proposed activity should be launched Q1 2025. The budget for each activity is 1 million NOK at a maximum.

Budget, what can you apply for

Funding may be used for costs necessary for implementation of the networking activity:

  • Networking and collaboration related costs, such as meetings, workshops, writing camps, attending conferences, courses and more. Costs for physical meetings and all other events can only be covered if they take place in a Nordic country.
  • Communication, dissemination and knowledge exchange activities.
  • Travel/accommodation costs and mobility
  • Minor salary costs for e.g. coordination in the participating countries (including overheads). 
  • Partner institutions outside the Nordic countries may participate with their own funding.
  • Commercial companies may not receive funding from NordForsk, although they may participate in activities at their own expense.

Eligibility criteria

Representatives of Nordic research organisations, the public sector, patient organisations or other relevant bodies are eligible to apply. Constellations involving partners from different sectors are encouraged.

All proposals will be subjected to an administrative eligibility check. Proposals that do not fulfil the eligibility criteria will not be sent to experts and not assessed. For the complete list of eligibility criteria, read the full call text.

Submission of proposals

You must submit your proposals electronically through NordForsk Call and Application Portal no later than 13.00 CET (Oslo Time) on 27 November 2024. NordForsk will issue funding decisions in mid-December 2024.

See also: How to apply