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Constructing Nordic Research Infrastructure Pilots in Health and Welfare by combining registers with socioeconomic and health-related data

The aim of this specific call is to support projects targeting the construction of Nordic research infrastructures in the health and welfare sphere by combining socio-economic and health-related registers. The joint Nordic registers established should subsequently be utilised as a knowledge resource for answering novel research questions that address grand societal challenges relating to health and welfare, and thereby provide a foundation for future policy incentives and interventions.

The call also aims to monitor existing hurdles and bottlenecks (technical, organisational, legal, ethical, etc.) that impede Nordic research and research infrastructure cooperation, in keeping with NordForsk’s objective to strengthen Nordic register-based research.

The overall goal of the Nordic Programme on Health and Welfare is to improve health in the Nordic countries by finding solutions to societal and public health challenges through high quality research.

The total budget for this call is NOK 30 million, and the maximum funding amount that may be sought is NOK 10 million. Funding will be granted for a period of one -three years.

Researchers and research groups at universities and other research institutions in the Nordic countries are eligible to apply for funding. The Nordic countries are defined here as Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Aaland Islands, Faroe Islands and Greenland. The formal applicant must be an institution, organisation or other legal entity based in one of the Nordic countries.

Read the full call text here.