Young vegetable seedlings growing in soil outdoors

Call for proposals: Nordic research consortia for EU calls on antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Applicants are invited to apply for funding to establish a Nordic preparatory project with a budget of maximum NOK 0,8 million and a duration of 2 years. The intention is to provide funding for 6-9 projects under this call. 

Call deadline is 19 September 2024 at 13.00 CEST.

Background of the call

AMR is one of the greatest global threats to public and animal health, as well as to food production. AMR is a typical example of a One Health problem, where resistant microorganisms or resistance genes are transmitted between humans, animals and plants, often via the environment.

The Nordic Region has different and unique AMR challenges compared to other regions in the world, as the AMR spread is among the lowest in Europe. The Nordic region therefore has unique needs for research to tackle the AMR threat.

To be in forefront of the AMR crisis, it is necessary that Nordic research environments within AMR collaborate across disciplines and sectors. It is important for the Nordic countries that the AMR research efforts are aligned, and coordinated to avoid overlapping and research waste, and instead are set to harvest synergies from Nordic research to tackle the creeping crisis. Curbing the spread of AMR has top priority in the Nordic Council, the Nordic Council of ministers, and in the EU.  

As part of the combat against AMR, the European Commission plans to invest up to 100 million EUR in the seven-year long co-funded European Partnership: One Health Anti-Microbial Resistance (OHAMR). The OHAMR-partnership will be implemented through joint transnational calls for proposals and additional activities from 2025 and onwards. In addition, the European partnership on Animal Health and Welfare (EUPAHW) is designed to i.e. prevent and control infectious animal diseases and promote prudent use of antimicrobials. Both partnerships and other relevant calls from the EU framework program are attractive arenas for funding of collaborative, cutting edge research.

Aims and scope of the call

The overall aim of the call is to contribute to the Nordic Council of Ministers’ focus area fighting antimicrobial resistance, and to do so by strengthening the Nordic AMR research environments, and secure long-term recruitment to this area of research while supporting alignment and synergies of research efforts. More specific aims are to provide young researchers with experience in leading international projects within One Health AMR, and to increase the attraction of research funding from EU programs and initiatives to Nordic research environments.  

Projects funded under this call should form Nordic research consortia that prepare successful proposals to the calls from the EU funded One Health AMR partnership (The Horizon Europe Candidate Partnership: One Health AMR – JPIAMR), and/or from the European Partnership on Animal Health and Welfare Projects (, and/or other relevant European initiatives on Antibiotic resistance. Proposals to other EU funds and/or other international tenders on One Health AMR will also be highly relevant.  

The preparatory projects are expected to: 

  • actively seek information on calls for proposals on research and innovation and tenders, launched by EU-partnerships and/or the European commission  
  • design a strategy including an action plan for the Nordic consortium to submit successful proposals to the above-mentioned calls, also beyond the period of the preparatory project 
  • contribute to aligning and create synergies from Nordic research efforts in areas that are especially important to prevent spread of AMR in the Nordic region.  
  • build on particular strengths of Nordic researchers, and address needs that are particular to the Nordic countries  
  • operate across the Nordic countries, subjects and disciplines 
  • incorporate researchers focusing on AMR in different sectors 
  • build on insights and findings from ongoing projects and research, draw on existing knowledge, to develop successful cutting edge research ideas and proposals in response to EU calls 
  • implement measures to support and develop the leadership skills of the project leader 
  • collaborate with stakeholders of AMR One Health research, relevant for the planned EU-proposals, including other types of organisations, (institutions, undertakings, NGOs etc.), as part of implementation of the preparatory actions to prepare EU proposals 
  • comply with NordForsk's gender policy.

Important: In order to see all information about the call, you need to read the full call text.

See also: How to apply


Portrait of Kristin Andersen.

Kristin Andersen

Special Adviser