Call for proposals in the field of Sustainable Aquaculture

The programme will fund six to eight research and innovation projects. The amount of funding available per project is maximum NOK 10 million. The projects will be funded through a virtual common pot, which means that the national funding agencies will fund their respective participants in the funded projects.

The following organisations are participating in the joint funding of the Programme:

  • The Estonian Research Council, ETAg
  • The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia
  • The Swedish Research Council Formas
  • AVS Research fund for fisheries, Iceland
  • Technology Development Fund, Iceland
  • Innovation Fund Denmark
  • The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland
  • The Research Council of Norway
  • NordForsk

Aquaculture is a growing global business, which faces many facets of sustainability challenges, including careful management of effluents and waste, disease-related losses, the effect on greenhouse gas emission, and social acceptance.

The overarching aim of the programme is to generate knowledge and solutions for sustainable land-based and marine salmonid aquaculture in the Nordic countries. The programme also aims to promote Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) perspectives in sustainable aquaculture within a Nordic context, including diversity, inclusion, openness and transparency.

Four crucial and inter-related areas of priority for a joint Nordic research and innovation programme in sustainable salmonid aquaculture are identified:

  1. Aquaculture microbiome systems
  2. Aquaculture feeding systems
  3. Biotechnological advances
  4. Aquaculture "big data" monitoring and control systems

Read the full call text here.


Kyösti Lempa

Kyösti Lempa

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