Photo: Jacob Lund (iStock)

Call for policy brief articles: Fast Track to Vision 2030 publication (invited authors only)

This is a call for articles to be included in a Fast Track publication, only for invited authors.

This call only accepts short original “policy brief” articles from Nordic project owners. The author(s) must be leader(s) of, or participate in, research projects granted funding from NordForsk or Nordic Energy Research. We encourage consortia to submit a joint article.

Background for the Fast Track publication

The Nordic region will become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030. This vision was agreed by the Nordic prime ministers in 2019, and all cooperation in the Nordic Council of Ministers should serve this purpose. The Nordic Council of Ministers action plan for the years 2021 to 2024 describes how the Nordic Council of Ministers should work to achieve the objectives of the vision through a series of initiatives linked to the vision’s three strategic priorities: a green Nordic Region, a competitive Nordic Region, and a socially sustainable Nordic Region.

The Nordic Council of Ministers has now started taking the next steps to achieve the 2030 vision and plan strategic actions beyond 2024. The three priorities: a green, a competitive, and a socially sustainable Nordic Region, are well established overarching goals. A new collaboration initiative for the years 2025 to 2030 will be developed in a bottom-up process involving all the policy areas of the Nordic Council of Ministers . What is the best way forward for the Nordic region, and how should Nordic cooperation prioritize, act, and interact in order to become the most green, competitive and socially sustainable region in the world by 2030? The answers to these questions should be based on research. It is clearly documented that NordForsk and Nordic Energy Research funded activities support the Vision 2030. Via its commitment to research, the Nordic Council of Ministers has supported new and relevant knowledge and leading research environments. By this call for short policy brief articles, NordForsk aims to bring forward the researchers' views on how the Nordic countries should prioritize, act, and cooperate to achieve the Vision for 2030.

Aim of the Fast track publication

The main purpose of the Fast Track publication is to provide concise and relevant information to understand and analyse challenges and make decisions on priorities of actions to reach the goals of the Vision 2030. The main purpose of the call is to capitalise on the research results and knowledge that has been built during the first years of Vision 2030, to support the development of the new collaborative initiative for the years 2025-2030. In addition, the Fast Track publication will:

  • Support continuous knowledge exchange with policy and practice in the Nordic region.
  • Support and strengthen the societal impact of Nordic research collaboration and competence building.
  • Shorten the pathway to impact of research and innovation based on Nordic research collaboration.


The call has a budget of up to 6 million NOK. NordForsk will pay a fixed rate of 50 000 Norwegian kroner to the host institution of each accepted policy brief article. Only articles included in the Fast Track publication will receive funding.


On 5 May 2023 NordForsk hosted a webinar where authors received more information about the call and requirements as well as a short Q & A session.

Presentation from the webinar (PDF)


Portrait of Kristin Andersen.

Kristin Andersen

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