
Advancing the bioeconomy transition in the Nordic region

NordForsk launches a new two-phase call for proposals for Nordic Centres of Excellence within the Nordic Bioeconomy Initiative. The initiative aims to fund three Nordic Centres of Excellence within a budget of NOK 90 million. Application deadline for the first phase is 16 March 2016.

The objective of the Nordic Bioeconomy Initiative is to generate new knowledge on how to promote and advance the transition to a bioeconomy-based society in the Nordic countries. The initiative now launches a two-phase call for proposals for Nordic Centres of Excellence.

The call is relevant for all sectors (e.g. agriculture, forestry, marine, food and other) in the bioeconomy, but with an emphasis on new and innovative areas of research and innovation in order to understand the bio-economy transition in a holistic perspective. In this call water is a common denominator and can be either the research subject or an integral part of the proposal, but does not have to be the main theme.

Calls for pre-proposals must be submitted electronically through the NordForsk Application Portal by 16 March 2016. International experts will assess the pre-proposals, and the committee will assess the relevance to the call and the Nordic added value. Selected pre-proposals will then be invited to the second application phase, with deadline in September 2016.

Read the full call text here.


Kyösti Lempa

Kyösti Lempa

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