NordicPATH’s overall objective is to establish a new model for citizens’ participation and collaborative planning in Nordic countries to create healthy and people-centred cities. The project is tackling complex environmental impacts such as air quality and climate change and is developing a method specifically targeted for the governance and the conditions of the Nordic countries with potential replicability and scalability to other countries.
Nordic cities have qualities to draw on when it comes to greenspace, social inclusion and public health. But they are also segregated, characterised by health-related divides and by differences in accessibility to urban amenities. Without careful consideration the health and well-being of city-dwellers can be negatively influenced in overly densified and congested cities, despite sustainability ambitions.
The development of smart cities of the future calls for innovative usage of emerging technologies, as well as for novel and effective forms of collaboration across a large number of heterogeneous stakeholders, such as municipal decision-makers, entrepreneurs, and citizens.
Målet för det tvärvetenskapliga och tvärsektoriella forskningsområden är att främja samarbete mellan olika kunskapssamhällen i de nordiska länderna och ta itu med utmaningar inom hållbar stadsutveckling och smarta städer.
Linking the detailed information of the spatio-temporal distribution of air pollution levels and the chemical composition of the atmospheric particles with register data for mortality and morbidity, we have a unique opportunity in the Nordic countries to gain new understanding of the various health impacts from different kinds of air pollution from different kind of sources.
NordForsk öppnar en utlysning för det nordiska forskningsinitiativet Hållbar stadsutveckling och smarta städer. Forskningsinitiativet är ett samarbete med Finlands Akademi, Formas, Forte, Energimyndigheten i Sverige och Norges Forskningsråd. Utlysningen har en budget på 50 miljoner norska kronor och tidsfristen för inlämning av ansökningar är 4 juni, 2019.
NordForsk; the Academy of Finland; Formas, the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development; Forte, the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare; the Swedish Energy Agency and the Research Council of Norway are issuing a call for proposals under the Nordic Research Programme on Sustainable Urban Development and Smart Cities. The call has a budget of NOK 50 million and the deadline for the call for proposals is 4 June 2019.
Forskare som bidrar till hållbara samhällen inbjuds nu att delta i ett nytt nordiskt forskningsinitiativ för hållbar stadsutveckling och smarta städer. En utlysning förväntas öppnas i mars 2019.