Sustainable Human Use of the Marine Environment (SustainME)

We focus specifically on areas of concern that were co-identified with Inuit and Sámi partners based on their relevance for local culture, economy and livelihoods - all of which revolve around the cascading impacts of sea ice and ocean change. To address these issues, a greater understanding of cascading risks, adaptation options, and residual risks that are relevant at a decision-making scale is urgently needed. The complexity of interactions, potentially divergent perspectives on risks and benefits, and potential for unanticipated cascading effects of change further underscores the need for a holistic approach.

SustainME transcends traditional approaches to knowledge creation by employing both scientific and Indigenous research methodologies, and is guided by the Aajiiqatigiingniq Research Methodology Framework. This inclusive approach produces policy and locally relevant knowledge to support fiscally responsible and effective decision making for climate change adaptation and sustainable development in the Arctic.

To address concerns flowing from sea ice change and human pressures and to achieve the goals of the Nordforsk call, our diverse team has co-designed five interconnected, interdisciplinary, iterative, and self-reinforcing Work Packages (WP). These are: Sea ice change (WP1), Travel and transport (WP2), Living marine resources (WP3) and Well-being and food security (WP4). The final WP (WP5) synthesizes SustainME’s outputs to co-produce adaptation solutions that are effective, feasible, and relevant for local to global decision making in support of a sustainable future for people and the Arctic marine system. Each of these WPs is designed to support relevant United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and a socially and economically resilient Arctic.

SustainME’s communications and dissemination activities directly link our aim, objectives and expected outcomes and will reach a broad range of stakeholders and rightsholders. They are designed to comprehensively communicate complex topics in an understandable, dynamic, targeted, and timely way and to create both academic and practical impacts from the local to global scale. 


Portræt af Kristin Andersen.

Kristin Andersen

Portræt af Thorbjørn Gilberg

Thorbjørn Gilberg
