An Integrating Nexus of Land and Water Management for a Sustainable Nordic Bioeconomy (BIOWATER)

BIOWATER will serve as the first Nordic science center and platform that provides solutions for land, environmental and water resources management in the face of potential and competing demands for biomass, land and water resources related to the green shift and concurrent bio-economic development.

BIOWATER consists of 8 Nordic partners and 5 non-Nordic external collaborating research institutions, and includes 19 stakeholder representatives across countries and relevant sectors. From the onset, we bring together scientists and stakeholders for optimal interaction and exchange where e.g. contrasting scenarios for bioeconomic development will be jointly developed. Potential impacts of land use change and climate change on water, elemental cycles and ecosystem services will be assessed from data-rich, experimental sites and intensively monitored catchments and up-scaled to larger river basins and Nordic regions.

Assessment of the opportunities and limitations for a green bio-economy in the Nordic countries (stakeholder integration, policy instruments and governance models considerations) will be based on the scenario outcomes from elemental budgets and ecosystem service accounting exercises. The center will interact with policy makers and stakeholders on the opportunities and limitations of the green, bio-economic shift for the rural North.

BIOWATER consists of 8 Nordic partners: 

  • NIBIO (coordinator, NO)
  • Norwegian University of Life Sciences (co-coordinator, NO)
  • Finnish Environment Institute (FI) 
  • University of Oulu (FI)
  • Aarhus University (DK) 
  • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SE)
  • Norwegian Institute of Water Research (NO)
  • Natural Resources Institute Finland (FI). 

In addition, there are 5 non-Nordic external collaborating research institutions:

  • JRC-Ispra (Italy) 
  • Ecologic (Germany)
  • Teagasc (Ireland) 
  • Max Planck Inst for Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology (Germany)
  • James Hutton Institute (UK).


Kyösti Lempa

Kyösti Lempa

Guttorm Aanes

Guttorm Aanes


Guttorm Aanes er kommunikasjonssjef i NordForsk, med ansvar for å styrke synligheten og gjennomslagskraften til det nordiske forskningssamarbeidet.

Han har omfattende erfaring med kommunikasjon fra norske departementer og forskningsinstitutter.

Guttorm har en mastergrad i medier og kommunikasjon fra Universitetet i Oslo. I 2023 fullførte han et masterprogram i PR-ledelse og strategisk kommunikasjon ved Handelshøyskolen BI.

Presse og medier | NordForsk
